Proposed federal rules
1. An international virtual association, called the Registry, is hereby created with the purpose of developping communication between bearers of the Montin patronym, whether they reside in France or elsewhere.Members share an interest in genealogical search of common roots and international communication.
2. The association’s main seat is located on the Internet, with a server hosting it at best conditions. Electronic communications is the preferred medium for exchanges between members.
3. A fundamental principle is the respect of the privacy of Montins who would not wish to join the present venture. No address will be communicated without the consent of the person concerned, even if the address is otherwise available on the telephone directory.
4. Membership of the association is automatic for bearers of the patronym, whether by birth or by marriage for women. Other persons may join, especially descendants of bearers of the name.
5. The founder puts at the disposal of members access to an Internet Web page, which can be consulted at the following address:
Members may ask for insertion of text or graphic information concerning them on this page, within the capacity of the site. Commercial use will rank a lower priority than friendly use.
6. National coordinators are responsible for gathering genealogical information in their country of residence. They assist members of other countries wishing to access information that may be held in their country.
7. Members are listed by order of inscription with the founder, Charles. They are known by their firstname, followed, where this name is shared, by the name of the place where they reside, or any other significant name, between brackets.
8. All members are invited to an annual meeting, which is held once a year on the Sunday closest to 1 August, at the house of the founder in Carennac, Lot (35 km South of Brive). No booking is necessary. The annual meeting may be organized elsewhere, preferably in the Lot or the Cantal.
9. There is no membership fee. All services are free, included the insertion of personal information on the association’s Web page.
10. The official language of the association is French. If possible, documents are translated into English by members, to facilitate international circulation. National coordinators may translate, and adapt, the present text into their own language.
Drafted in Brussels on 13 December 1997, by the founder, Charles Montin